Ten years of success for the Paris Region Venture Fund

In 2011, the Region Ile-de-France created the Paris Region Venture Fund (PRVF) to support its young and innovative companies.

For 10 years, Karista has managed this fund and has made 40 investments. Today, as we want to celebrate this first decade with you, we take a look back at the various lessons we have learned during this experience.

“The Paris Region Venture Fund is 10 years old and at Karista we see this as a cause for celebration. This innovation co-investment vehicle is a precursor, a key medium and long-term financing tool and a federator of the ecosystem from Paris Region business angels to investment platforms. We are pleased to deploy it with the support of the Île-de-France Region to ambitious entrepreneurs with co-investor partners. The Paris Region Venture Fund has come of age and continues to invest, having gained real recognition in a highly developed regional environment.”  – Yvan-Michel Ehkirch, Managing Partner at Karista.

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